Friday, November 26, 2010


It is often said that, 'failing to plan is planning to fail.' This statement suggests that without planning, one is bound to fail. this makes it incumbent on us , the up and coming youth to put on our 'thinking caps' and plan for the future.

Numerous discoveries and life-changing decisions have been made since Adam and we do not have to go about re-inventing the wheel. What we need to do is to add to what we have in place and introduce novelties, whether individually or collectively.

Your plan for the future should be a life-changing phenomenon, a unique agenda. An agenda which is not to be of individual benefit but of societal well-being. You may decide to replicate something which already exists but it will be better if it has a 'personal touch', if it has some other flavour of its own, so that it appears new.

A plan for the future should be a challenge to all; it should be difficult to beat. You need to elevate the bar, above what already exists. You need to raise the standards, in your academics, sports or any worthy endeavour you undertake.

Your plan for the future should have the ability to cause change. It should have a positive effect on society so that it is acknowledged by all and sundry. It should be appreciated in various ways including being awarded honours. A good plan for the future challenges the status quo and is also dynamic.

You need to be passionate about your plan, giving it your all, knowing that great struggles bring great victories. you should be time conscious and be a respecter of time. Patience counts but to have a sense of urgency also puts you on your toes and prevents procrastination.

My plan for the future has begun, you can start yours now, knowing that there is a place for everybody's contribution in the world. Make it unique, make it the best, make it now!


Stepping into the achievers' lane will mean joining the host of successful people and not falling back. Success or achievement has got to do with embarking on a mission and completing it.

I think everyone has got a mission in life. Targets are set at every stage of life. Some are long term, others are to be achieved in the short term or immediately.They may be very utopian or very simple. In either case, one thing usually rans through; a person conceives some targets and works to achieve them. Some of these targets may be, becoming an astronaut, becoming the president of a nation, becoming the richest man in the world, setting world records in sports, becoming the national best teacher or even graduating with the best results in school. No matter the kind of mission one sets, it should be ardently pursued to bring it into fruition. One is supposed to take all the necessary steps to make it happen otherwise one finds him or herself in failure, unfortunatly. It takes a lot of patience, endurance, correction of errors and humility to be successful. It is not an easy road but the mindset of a winner will make it look like one.

Your mission is the mission you give yourself. It is best if as an individual you set personal targets independently. Although you may solicit other people's views about what you can do or achieve, the final decisions should always be made by you. You do this because you will bear the costs in case there is failure in your quest to succeed.

Stepping into the achievers' lane will require a new mindset. A new mindset of positivities and possibilities. This is the mindset of winners and hopeful people. There should be a total commitment to success, everything one does should be success focused, so that they are not done anyhow. Succeeding in smaller tasks will guarantee success in bigger tasks.

There may be distractions one the way to success, so many that you might want to give up in many instances, but perseverance and hope that you can also make it as others have should drive you through. You will need to focus on the brighter side of life. There is a saying that if you face the source of light, all darkness is cast behind you. So that if you are optimistic, you cast away all fear of failure.

Stepping into the achievers' lane will also require you to mark landmarks in your life and improve upon them. You need to set goals and strive to achieve them. Mark the progress you are making and often times ask people to assess you. This will help to smoothen all rough edges of your mission and also spur you on to greater heights.

You will find yourself in the Achievers' Lane when others will want to be like you, when your life becomes a good example and when your existence on earth is appreciated by mankind ,even if it is one person. I invite you today to take a step into the Achievers' Lane.

Monday, November 22, 2010

SPRINGBOARD - the power within you!

Whatever a man thinketh, so is he....
Positive thinking has been identified as very vital to successful living. It keeps one going and helps suppress pessimism. Most people often are too busy worrying over negativities ,that they do not see anything good in this world. It is about time we take time to reflect the goodness of this life, the good times, no matter how few they may be.
You are what you think. People may see you in different angles; some positive, others negative, yet, the most important view of yourself is what you perceive yourself to be. Take this analogy for instance, there are many types of mirrors, some reflect the exact image, others refract, and others either diminish the size of the image or increase it. This can pass for how different people may hold different views of you, so that you can not know which one is really true, thus your own analysis of yourself would be the best. In this case, it means you have the sole responsibility of either projecting yourself into the limelight or quenching your hopes in life.
It is important to be happy with yourself. Accept your present situation and make moves to better it. Know that life is in stages and that your present situation will not last forever. Be happy with yourself and others will also find it proper to appreciate you. Delight yourself in improving your lot too.
See the beauty in you. You should know that you are beautiful in your own special way. You don't need anyone to tell you. You should be the first to notice that, so that if anyone tells you again you'll not be surprised or overwhelmed.
Be at peace with yourself. Often times, we have internal struggles with ourselves. Our thoughts compete within us. There are several things we think about and these things all compete for a chance to be realised. Fortunately, you have the sole responsibility of selecting which of these thoughts to put into action. It is difficult though when our thoughts confuse us for hours, days and even weeks. Sometimes our thought can imprison us into confusion, boredom and inaction. Being at peace with yourself will mean to bring sanity and calm within your thoughts. You need to relax, meditate or ponder orderly over your thoughts. Sometimes you may need a quiet place, listen to some kind of music, close your eyes or even take a walk to do this successfully. Inner peace is all that is required as you choose which thoughts to put into action. This is the way to generate great ideas and discoveries which will make you a better person.
It is therefore clear that in order to appreciate ourselves we need to renew our mindset and look within us for answers to life's challenges. In order to soar higher, we need to take a leap on the springboard (that is a positive outlook of life).This will make others see our worth in this world. It's within you!